LeBron James scaгeԀ‌ fans when he Ԁ‌гesseԀ‌ up as Jason Voorhees from the movie Friday the 13th

Fans were frighteneԀ‌ the year before when the basketball player dressed up as Jason Voorhees from the film Friday the 13th.

It’s possible that Halloween is the one day on which you shouldn’t trust LeBron James with a basketball.

The athlete, who is now 34 years old, is no stranger to dressing up for Halloween; however, this year he took his costume to the next level as “LeDward Scissorhands,” a take on the character Edward Scissorhands from the 1990 film of the same name starring Tim Burton.

LeBron James

On Thursday, James posted photos on Instagram showcasing his spectacular costume, which consisted of a full leather bodysuit made up of numerous belts, a black wig with a frizzy Edward Scissorhands-like appearance, and, of course, the Scissorhands gloves.

The caption of the eerie post that the NBA star affixed to it said, “LeDward Scissorhands Happy Halloween beautiful people.”

In the first picture, James displays his full-body costume while delivering a stern gaze into the camera. This expression is reminiscent of Johnny Depp’s portrayal of the role, who wore facial expressions that were equally somber.

In addition, the basketball player shared a close-up photo of his costume, in which he is seen crossing his Scissorhands in order to provide viewers with a more detailed picture of all of his attachments.

After only a few hours, the athlete’s post had approximately 100,000 likes, and the number is still growing. In addition, many viewers left comments expressing their amazement at his outfit and his enthusiasm for the occasion.

The LeBron James Family Foundation made a comment that read, “Just A Scissorhand Kid From Akron.” James’ organization is called the LeBron James Family Foundation.

Phil Handy, an assistant coach for the Lakers, responded with ” ” when asked a question.

A comment was also left by Jamie Foxx, who complimented the actor with a series of hand gestures.

LeBron James - Wikipedia