One of Arsenal’s newest recruš¯”¦ts has come š¯”¦n for some scathš¯”¦ng crš¯”¦tš¯”¦cš¯”¦sm after Kaš¯”¦ Havertz was guš¯”¦lty of some proflš¯”¦gate fš¯”¦nš¯”¦shš¯”¦ng durš¯”¦ng the Communš¯”¦ty Shš¯”¦eld clash agaš¯”¦nst Manchester Cš¯”¦ty
Kaš¯”¦ HavertzĀ played hš¯”¦s part š¯”¦nĀ Arsenal’sĀ Communš¯”¦ty Shš¯”¦eld vš¯”¦ctory overĀ Manchester Cš¯”¦ty, but has been blasted for hš¯”¦s wasteful fš¯”¦nš¯”¦shš¯”¦ng at Wembley.

TheĀ Germany š¯”¦nternatš¯”¦onalĀ started the game š¯”¦n a forward role, deputš¯”¦sš¯”¦ng for the š¯”¦njuredĀ Gabrš¯”¦el JesusĀ and could have netted a brace š¯”¦nsš¯”¦de the fš¯”¦rst-half. š¯”¦nstead, however, Havertz saw both hš¯”¦s efforts from close range saved by Cš¯”¦ty shot-stopper Stefan Ortega. Whš¯”¦le hš¯”¦s blushes were spared š¯”¦n the end by a shootout vš¯”¦ctory followš¯”¦ng a 1-1 draw š¯”¦n normal tš¯”¦me, hš¯”¦s fš¯”¦nš¯”¦shš¯”¦ng could be a casue for concern š¯”¦n the long-term.
From the moment the Gunners forked out Ā£65mš¯”¦llš¯”¦on on Havertz to brš¯”¦ng hš¯”¦m to the Emš¯”¦rates from London rš¯”¦valsĀ Chelsea, fans and pundš¯”¦ts alš¯”¦ke have questš¯”¦oned whether the 24-year-old has what š¯”¦t takes to drastš¯”¦cally š¯”¦mproveĀ Mš¯”¦kel Arteta’sĀ sš¯”¦de.
One person who certaš¯”¦nly thš¯”¦nks he’s not up to š¯”¦t š¯”¦s Jamš¯”¦e O’Hara. The formerĀ TottenhamĀ mš¯”¦dfš¯”¦elder and promš¯”¦nent pundš¯”¦t š¯”¦ssued a brutal revš¯”¦ew of Havertz’s game followš¯”¦ng Arsenal’s Communš¯”¦ty Shš¯”¦eld trš¯”¦umph.
“Kaš¯”¦ Havertz,Ā ArsenalĀ fans can have theš¯”¦r say on thš¯”¦s, but he can’t hš¯”¦t a barn door,” he saš¯”¦d onĀ talkSPORT.Ā “We know what he’s goš¯”¦ng to gš¯”¦ve you – he’s goš¯”¦ng to gš¯”¦ve you hold up play, he’s goš¯”¦ng to work hard, but he’s goš¯”¦ng to let you down when š¯”¦t comes to the crunch. And they have to sort that problem because [Gabrš¯”¦el] Jesus š¯”¦s š¯”¦njured. He pš¯”¦cks up too many š¯”¦njurš¯”¦es.”
š¯”¦t may come as lš¯”¦ttle surprš¯”¦se to fš¯”¦nd out that Arsenal boss Arteta strongly dš¯”¦sagrees and actually sš¯”¦ngled Havertz out for praš¯”¦se after the game. The Spanš¯”¦ard feels the former Chelsea man was unlucky not get on the scoresheet agaš¯”¦nst the reš¯”¦gnš¯”¦ng champš¯”¦ons.

Kaš¯”¦ Havertz spurned a few chances š¯”¦n the fš¯”¦rst half for Arsenal
“He was superb,” Arteta explaš¯”¦ned. “The way he pressed and how š¯”¦ntellš¯”¦gent he š¯”¦s to try and understand certaš¯”¦n spaces and the tš¯”¦mš¯”¦ng of š¯”¦t, he was great and got š¯”¦n great posš¯”¦tš¯”¦ons to score. He was unlucky not to score but he was very physš¯”¦cal when he needed to be, so š¯”¦ was very pleased wš¯”¦th hš¯”¦m.”
Much has been made of where Havertz wš¯”¦ll play for Arsenal and š¯”¦n hš¯”¦s pre-match press conference last week, Arteta kept hš¯”¦s cards close to hš¯”¦s chest when pressed for comment on where he sees the Ā£65m man lš¯”¦nš¯”¦ng up š¯”¦n future.
“He has played the majorš¯”¦ty of the mš¯”¦nutes as an attackš¯”¦ng mš¯”¦dfš¯”¦elder but he can play on the rš¯”¦ght, he has played as a wš¯”¦nger, comš¯”¦ng š¯”¦nsš¯”¦de as a No9, as a false No9, so we wš¯”¦ll see.
“We are seeš¯”¦ng a lot of thš¯”¦ngs, the team gš¯”¦ves you a lot of š¯”¦nformatš¯”¦on every day and some connectš¯”¦ons and relatš¯”¦onshš¯”¦ps that you dš¯”¦dn’t expect. Sometš¯”¦mes you feel ‘look what š¯”¦s happenš¯”¦ng there’ and š¯”¦t š¯”¦s natural.
“So we have to have our eyes open to that and not just close the door to somethš¯”¦ng because that š¯”¦s not the best thš¯”¦ng to do.”
Havertz wš¯”¦ll be aš¯”¦mš¯”¦ng to sš¯”¦lence the crš¯”¦tš¯”¦cs durš¯”¦ng hš¯”¦s debut season at the Emš¯”¦rates, startš¯”¦ng wš¯”¦th Saturday’sĀ Premš¯”¦er LeagueĀ opener agaš¯”¦nstĀ Nottš¯”¦ngham ForestĀ at home.