‘Now we’re not talking about a sweep, we’re talking about LeBron and retirement’ – LeBron James is criticized by a western conference executive for taking control of the story

It was just minutes after the final buzzer in Game 4 that Lakers star LeBron James set the NBA world on fire with hints about his potential retirement. Never before had we seen James so unsure about his NBA future, and many still aren’t sure what to make of this season, given how abruptly it ended. But one thing it’s impossible to deny is that, even in defeat, LeBron dominates the headlines.

In the aftermath of an impressive series from the Nuggets, one Western Conference GM laid into LeBron for making the moment all about himself and pulling the attention away from where some believe it should be: on the Nuggets and their run to the Finals.

“He’ll suit up next year,” one Western Conference executive told Eric Pincus of Bleacher Report. “He just changed the conversation. Now we’re not talking about a sweep; we’re talking about LeBron and retirement. He loves to control the narrative.”

Needless to say, not everyone is convinced that this retirement talk is entirely in good faith. To some, it’s just a ploy by LeBron to distract the public from the Lakers’ failures in the Conference Finals.

“Was it Machiavellian design, a man caught up in the moment’s emotion, or an earnest possibility that James might retire? ‘Give it a week,’ another executive said. ‘Let’s see if he’s saying the same thing.’”

Is LeBron James Really Going To Retire?

There is no doubt that LeBron’s career will end at some point in the near future, but nobody can agree on how long LeBron has left. Before this postseason, most fans would have told you that he could play until he’s 45. At the very least, experts were expecting some kind of retirement tour for James’ last season.

“LeBron isn’t leaving without a retirement tour. His goal was to play in the NBA with Bronny, who is playing one mile down the street next year and will be one and done. L.A. will host 2025 NBA All-Star, which will be a LeBron retirement party. NBA Vegas ownership in 2026.”

Only time will reveal how LeBron chooses to end his amazing NBA career, but nobody thought he’d walk away this soon. He’s still a top 10 player in the game, after all, and the Lakers made it to the Conference Finals despite a horrendous start.

But not even the King can keep this up forever, and it’s only a matter of time before he’s ready to say goodbye.