Surprised with the sophisticated skin care process of Ronaldo and Messi

Despite frequent high-intensity training, the male athletes’ skin remains supple and there are no signs of injury.

There are not many sports that require endurance and concentration as much as football, in which players must incessantly move on the field for at least 90 minutes.However, it should be noted that despite routinely participating in intense matches and intensive training schedules, the skin of many athletes remains smooth and lustrous.

In actuality, as the image value rises, participants have been paying a great deal more attention to their appearance.They devote considerable time to caring for their appearance, particularly the visage.Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi are prominent examples of this.

Apply a mask and use a moisturizer

Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the few athletes who frequently shares cosmetic care photos on social media.However, for Cristiano Ronaldo, protecting his skin as thoroughly as women does allow him to appreciate life and pamper himself more.


Once, Ronaldo uploaded an Instagram selfie with a black mask covering his face.This will assist the famous athlete in removing acne, blackheads, and dilating pores to eliminate skin-damaging impurities.

Even the Portuguese football sensation frequently visits the spa to pamper his face and body after major competitions.As the global symbol of a number of well-known brands, it is evident that Cristiano Ronaldo is always very conscientious about his appearance.

Messi, like Ronaldo, spends time caring for his visage, particularly in the evening.For them, skin care is not only beneficial for their health, but also has many advantages for constructing a flawless image, recruiting investors, and advertising.

More beautiful from the way of eating

For optimal health and performance, the athletes always adhere to a specialized menu and diet prescribed by specialists.Every day, Cristiano Ronaldo fills up on protein-rich foods, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables while limiting his sugar intake.

This individual particularly enjoys eating fish dishes.A principle of Ronaldo’s diet is to consume multiple modest meals per day, perhaps six, to provide the body with sufficient energy.

Messi, the commander of Argentina, eats a healthy diet consisting of pasta with tuna, an abundance of green vegetables and fresh fruits, and brown rice with whole grains.In general, athletes consume high-energy, vitamin- and fiber-rich foods and avoid fatty, high-fat foods, alcoholic beverages, and stimulants.This is not only healthy for the body, but also very beneficial for maintaining the skin’s attractiveness.

Exercise regularly

In addition to the aforementioned advantages, consistent exercise is also one of the reasons why the athletes’ skin is always smooth.Daily moderate-intensity exercise will strengthen the heart and arteries, improve the body’s circulation, and provide more oxygen and nutrient-rich blood cells to the skin, resulting in a more radiant and healthy appearance.

Regular exercise with exercises suited to the condition of the body will stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, which are crucial for preventing aging and maintaining smooth, lustrous skin.

This is also a measure to help the muscle and skin system become firmer and healthier, thereby increasing the skin’s resistance to damaging agents such as dermatitis-causing microbes, sunlight, dust, pollution, and chemicals.Sweat produced during exercise assists in removing grime, cleansing pores, regulating body temperature, moisturizing and balancing skin, thereby preventing acne.